Today at Tokyo’s CEATEC, Sony announced the arrival of their newest ultrathin laptop, the Viao X. It packs the usual mix of wifi, bluetooth and webcam, 3G HSPA mobile broadband and a solid state drive all in a sleek aluminum and carbon fiber enclosure.
It weighs 655g and is 13.9mm thin. That is a good 40% thicker that the new Dell Adamo XPS Dell teased us with today, but who really cares? They are both extremely underpowered, containing Intel Atom processors. Sure they are the new Atoms, but it is still now excuse. These are top of the line laptops that utilize exotic materials and techniques in their productions. Therefore, they should come with power to match.
Sony has already been in the high price, low power computer game with the TT and the TZ before it; and let me tell you this. I am around tons of laptops every day and I have yet to see a TT or TZ in the wild. I even see $4000 Alienware laptops from time to time.
In the end, I guess the one good thing is that these laptops help companies develop technologies that could lead to our useful laptops becoming more compact.
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