Sunday, November 29, 2009

Dell Adamo XPS to be Only 10mm thick

The Macbook Air should be getting ready to brace itself against some serious competition. Dell is getting ready to release their new Adamo XPS line. The computers are less than 10 millimeters thick which is about 0.39 inches. This comes as a surprise because the first Adamo ended up weighing four pounds, a pound and a half more than what people expected.

Pricing and availability for the new Adamo line won’t be released until all of the teaser ads get their fifteen minutes of fame. Hopefully, it doesn’t use Intel CULV processors, the one that every PC manufacturer abuses. NVIDIA Ion is probably out of the question for Dell. They’re probably waiting for Asus or Acer to do it first. How Adamo XPS will hold up is for us to find out. The first one kind of disappeared after it was introduced.

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