Monday, November 30, 2009

Apps Are Better, Faster and Easier Than Using Websites on Computers

I’ve always been a proponent of the latest technology and am usually one of the first to buy a gadget when it’s first released. It’s just how I am and believe that some gadgets make things easier for us. In the past few years, smartphones have been that gadget. While many are still getting used to using a smartphone (my parents and cousins still don’t know how to use one), they’re extremely useful once you get the hang of it.

Take for example the new influx of apps across every smartphone operating system. Apps are designed to make the user experience easier and lately it seems like it’s made it so easy, using the version on my computer’s browser has become confusing.

The one app I’m going to use as an example is the new Facebook app for the iPhone, Android and other platforms (it sucks on WebOS but that’s another story). The app is extremely simple to use and gets you the info you want right away, without multiple clicks. It’s become so easy to use, I’ve preferred the Facebook app on my iPhone over the website on my browser. Here’s why.

Yesterday, I was uploading and tagging pictures from my phone to Facebook using the app. Once I was finished, I realized I had not tagged two pictures. At the same time I was on my laptop chatting with a few friends when I realized. I logged into Facebook to make the change but it was taking forever (about 2-3 minutes for the page to load to make the change and in some instances, the page not even showing up). At first I thought it was my internet, they realized every other website was working, so something was wrong with Facebook. After waiting for about 5 minutes, I went back to the app and tagged the pictures, and that only took about 10 secs. This seems to be the case for many other apps like eBay and Amazon, where you can shop faster right from the app without any problems, ads, and loading time.

As apps become more developed and smartphones reach more people, it’ll get easier for people to shop, follow friends and interact. It may come to the point where using a computer may hinder rather than help users.

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