Monday, November 30, 2009

Walmart Sells Xbox 360 For $99, PS3 Left Out Of The Loop

Walmart is all about savings, is it not? Well, their latest deal calls for a party, you know, with the extra $100 you’ll be saving. The Xbox 360 is on sale in Walmart this weekend and with every $199 Xbox bought, Walmart is giving away a $100 gift card. This means that you’ll be getting the entire Xbox 360 package for only $99.

The iPhone was one of the first popular gadgets to drop this low, the Xbox 360 would have to be the second. The best part of this whole deal is that there are absolutely no strings attached, meaning, you pay for your purchase, pick up your gift card and go. I don’t know how this deal can get any better but all I can say is, Walmart is really serious about savings. Now, for the PS3, let’s just hope that drops down in the double digits.

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