Monday, November 30, 2009

Apple To Offer Matte Screen Option On Macs Soon?

Are your eyes ready to implode when you look at your Macbook or iMac? Well, good thing Apple is considering switching from glossy displays to an anti-glare screens on most of the Macs in their Macbook and iMac family.

Apple moved to glossy screens last October and featured it on the iMac and later on the 13-inch and 15-inch Macbook Pro, with only the 17-inch Macbook Pro offering an anti-glare screen. According to AppleInsider, the group of computers that are most likely to receive the anti-glare will be the 13-inch and 15-inch laptops. This is great news considering that Apple is slowly perfecting their products and willing to listen to their customers.

Perfect example was when Apple removed Firewire from the aluminum Macbook released in October 2008. Many customers were angered after the release, but in June they released the 13-inch Macbook Pro (rebranded as the pro) with Firewire.

Having a matte option for the Macbooks will only increase sales of the very popular 13-Inch Macbook Pro and the iMac.

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